Great Home and Gym Workouts I Do

At Home

Here is a great home work out I do at home, when i am short of time:

Pyramid press-ups with integrated prison squats

- 1 press up (then one prison squat)
- 2 press up (then 2 prison squats)
- 3 press ups (then 3 prison squats)...
- Continue this up to 10 reps and then work back down the pyramid
(i.e. 9 press ups (then 9 prison squats))
Work back down to 1 press up (one prison squat)

If you complete add a few more bonus press-ups or advanced press ups.

Video - Coming soon!!

At the Gym or Park

After numerous personal training sessions, and experimentation,  I find this circuit workout one of the most effective for my goals:

25 Prison Squats
12 Burpees
20 Press Ups
400 metre sprint (around16 kph)

2 minute rest between sets

Repeat up to 4 sets

Note: this circuit is a lot harder than it sounds.  So build up gradually.


I have recently purchased the Insanity DVD box set - The ultimate cardio and fitness programme.  It is a 60-day programme.  One of the hardest on DVD which will push you past your limits,   using plyometric drills on top of nonstop intervals of strength, power, resistance, and ab and core training moves. No equipment or weights needed. Just the will to get the hardest body you’ve ever had.
Find out more and take the INSANITY challenge!
Good Luck